


VV2017 paragraph 5


Layer 1005, a silty sand layer located in the southern part of the trench,  proved to be very important since the beginning: several valuable finds have been retrieved in it.
The excavation of context 1005  allowed to retrieve several gold artefacts, mostly in the form of foil figurines (A5,  A9, A15, A16A18A20A25, A28 and A35) spirals (A6 and A29) a droplet (A20), and a ring (A14).


The context continues beyond the trench limits in all directions.

This richness in the artifacts lets to hypotize, for this context, a connection to cult activities that need to be further investigated in future research.

Contexts described

Record creator

P. Derudas

Date Created

April 20, 2021

Rights Holder



en CC-BY 4.0

Linked resources

Items with "Paragraph(s): VV2017 paragraph 5"
VV2017 report 1 trench A


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[ 0 , 0 , 0 ]
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VV2017 context 1005
VV2017 find A5
VV2017 find A13
VV2017 find A14
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VV2017 find A19
VV2017 find A23
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VV2017 find A27
VV2017 find A28
VV2017 find A29
VV2017 find A30
VV2017 find A31
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The context 1005