Only a few centimeters (0.09 m) of the fill of the burial F1 has been observed, since the bones appeared when the topsoil/subsoil (C600) was removed by the digger. The upper boundary of the layer was not visible and there were no clear difference between the fill and the embeding layer where the pit of the burial has been cut (C605). It is made of clayey-silt greyish brown soil, quite course with frequent inclusions of unsorted limestone gravels (< 5 cm). Occasionnal roots and snails show the bioturbations which have affected the human bone remains in addition to modern ploughings. In this layer, a few quantities of bone fragments in secondary position have been collected. Pottery and CBM have been found none of them could be attributed with certainty with the deposit of the skeleton. However, three shells (606, #10, 15, 18) and a chipedstone (606#11), have been recorded separately. It may have belong the deceased but the disturbance of the burial as well as the similarity between the fill and the embeding layer of the burial, don't allow us to confirm these attributions.