Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/4445 Resource class cidoc-crm:E27_Site Title Tharros Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Identifier Tharros Date Created 2023-10-19 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati (US) Witnessed 3607 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 Has former or current location San Giovanni di Sinis, Cabras (OR). Sardegna(Italy) Has section 3632 3608 3812 3817 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3819 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3851 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2023 SU 8003 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2023-06-06/2023-06-09 Type fill Identifier TH2023_su8003 Date Created 2023-06-14 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Modern activity AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3812 Has type Topsoil Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3704 3697 Used general technique trowel Is referred to by
SU 8003 was topsoil lying directly on top of the Drain 3 lining (8005). 8003 was a grassy, loose brown soil with small sherds of pottery located throughout. Drain 3 bisects Area A and Area B in trench 8000.
Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3810 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3849 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2023 SU 8002 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2023-06-06 2023-06-07 2023-06-07 2023-06-08 2023-06-09 Type fill Identifier TH2023_su8002 Date Created 2023-06-14 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Modern activity AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3812 Has type Topsoil Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3704 3697 Used general technique pick axe trowel Is referred to bySU 8002 was a deep fill of topsoil. The first 5-6 cm were a grey topsoil with a mixture of vegetal, faunal, and modern and ancient cultural material, with sizes ranging from penny to palm sizes. Beneath the first 5-6 cm was a large quantity of medium-brown top soil with a softer texture and some inclusions of ceramics, plaster, and other cultural materials also penny to palm sized. Throughout the topsoil were a large quantity of penny sized tesserae, which were collected, as well as some quarter sized chunks of plaster with possible red paint. A large number of fist-sizes stones were located floating along the eastern side of SU 8002. Along the north wall of SU 8002, a lip was located 1-2 cm beneath the surface. The ledge extends varyingly about 4-5 centimeters out from the north wall and has a flat cement surface, and ends near the eastern side of the wall just before the wall ends and before the eastern edge of the trench.
Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3810 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3847 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 8001 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type fill Identifier TH2023_su8001 Date Created 2023-06-14 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Modern activity AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3812 Has type Topsoil Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3704 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3697 Used general technique pick axe trowel Is referred to bySU 8001 is a layer of rich brown topsoil with a few penny sized inclusions of tile and sandstone. No materials were saved as 8001 contains modern contaminants. The top 5 to 6 centimeters of soil were loose and the soil below the top 5 to 6 centimeters was moist and densely packed. The dense part of 8001 was streaked throughout with red degraded sandstone.
Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3810 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3839 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU5063 Creator 3684 Type stone construction Identifier TH2022_su5063 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Creation/Construction AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Wall Is referred to by Record created after backfill. Foundation wall comprised of mortared basalt stones running beneath the northern wall of the trench. The foundation appears to have been constructed separately, as it has very different materials (mostly basalt), bonding (hard gray mortar), and orientation (a few degrees more ENE) than the overlying final phase wall at the north of the trench. 5063 is built within construction trench cut 5047, but also has a different orientation than the trench cut (cut is even further shifted to the north). This foundation wall was cut into floor 5042, with the wall’s bottom cut into subfloor fill 5051. Falls within Tharros Material Basalt - Black§Sandstone Bonding material Mortar -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3838 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU5060 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-30 Type stone construction Identifier TH2022_su5060 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Creation/Construction AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Foundation Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3684 Is referred to by Opus incertum wall built on top of 5054. Falls within Tharros Material Sandstone Bonding material Mortar -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3837 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU5054 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-29 Type stone construction Identifier TH2022_su5054 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Creation/Construction AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Wall Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3684 Is referred to by Republican era wall encountered in trenches 1000 and 3000. Runs at a NW diagonal to the final phase orientation. Constructed of two curtains of large square cut and faced orthostats with rubble infill. Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3653 Material Sandstone Bonding material None -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3836 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU5009 Creator 3684 Type stone construction Identifier TH2022_su5009 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Creation/Construction AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Wall Is referred to by SU 5009 is a buried wall running north-south to the east of the center of the trench. Wall 5009 underlies the standing architecture in the final phase of the room, thus predating the final architectural layout. The wall was founded in a construction trench (cut 5015/5019) on its west side, and seemingly pressed up against the edge of the existing fill (5023) on the eastern side of that trench. Falls within Tharros Material Sandstone Bonding material Mortar -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3835 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU5008 Creator 3684 Type stone construction Identifier TH2022_su5008 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Creation/Construction AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Blocking of Architectural Feature Is referred to by SU 5008 consists of two stacked, square-cut blocks located along the southern trench wall just 30cm west of the SE corner of the room. Both stones are roughly 50 x 45 x 40cm in size, though the bottom stone is broken on its southern face. The stones are dry stacked atop one another, but joined to the south trench wall by a hard gray mortar with small stones wedged in to fill gaps tightly. The feature (5008) is built atop a rocky portion of leveling fill 5006, and the bottom stone was clearly abutted by 5003 and its overlying surface based on visible staining. Falls within Tharros Material Sandstone Bonding material Mortar -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3834 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU5007 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-03 Type stone construction Identifier TH2022_su5007 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati O17i_was_generated_by Creation/Construction AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Blocking of Architectural Feature Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3684 Is referred to by SU 5007 is a small feature comprised of two square cut blocks arranged in a single course and jutting west from the center of the eastern wall of the trench. 5007 is roughly 80cm E-W x 40cm N-S and 30cm tall. The feature (5007) was placed directly atop 5003 (red clay subfloor). Falls within Tharros Created type Opus quadratum Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3635 Material Sandstone Bonding material None -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3829 Resource class cidoc-crm:E27_Site Title TH2023 areas 8-9-10000 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2023-06-05/2023-07-12 Type research investigation Identifier TH2023_overview Date Created 2023-06-12 Has Part https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3819 3812 3817 License CC-BY 4.0 L1_digitized 3810 3818 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3820 Has note test RT item to visualize the combination of the investigation areas Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3690 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3687 Investigation site Tharros -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3828 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Franzoi, Bailey FirstName Bailey Surname Franzoi -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3827 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Katkin, Molly FirstName Molly Surname Katkin -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3826 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Karl, Kevin FirstName Karl Surname Kevin -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3825 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Palanca, Fenella FirstName Fenella Surname Palanca -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3824 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Monhollen, Leslie FirstName Leslie Surname Monhollen -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3823 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Kerns, Rebecca FirstName Rebecca Surname Kerns -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3820 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2023 Trench 10000 job 494 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2023_10000_job494_3D Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati L1i_was_digitized_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3814 L20i_was_created_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3813 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Has former or current owner University of Cincinnati Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3819 Investigation campaign https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3819 Resource class cidoc-crm:E53_Place Title TH2023 Trench 10000 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2023-06-05/2023-07-12 Type excavation trench Identifier TH2023_T10000 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3709 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3823 3813 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3824 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3686 Used general technique trowel Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3820 Place is defined by EPSG:32632 Latitude shift 4413000 Longitude shift 452000 Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3818 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2023 Trench 9000 job 492 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2023_9000_job492_3D Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati L1i_was_digitized_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3814 L20i_was_created_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3813 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Has former or current owner University of Cincinnati Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3817 Investigation campaign https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3817 Resource class cidoc-crm:E53_Place Title TH2023 Trench 9000 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2023-06-05/2023-07-12 Type excavation trench Identifier TH2023_T9000 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3684 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3685 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3695 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3826 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3825 Used general technique trowel Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3818 Place is defined by EPSG:32632 Latitude shift 4413000 Longitude shift 452000 Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3816 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Grogan, Kelly FirstName Kelly Surname Grogan -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A9_Archaeological_Excavation Title Tharros campaign 2023 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2023-06-05/2023-07-12 Type research investigation Identifier TH_2023 Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 AP3i_was_excavated_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3812 3817 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3819 Took place on or within https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/4445 Had participant 3691 3692 3814 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3816 3704 3709 3684 3707 3813 3703 3695 3686 3685 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3828 3827 3826 3825 3824 3823 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3687 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3690 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3814 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Notarian, Matt FirstName Matt Surname Notarian -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3813 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Allen, Colton FirstName Colton Surname Allen -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3812 Resource class cidoc-crm:E53_Place Title TH2023 Trench 8000 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2023-06-05/2023-07-12 Type excavation trench Identifier TH2023_T8000 Date Created 2023-05-12 License CC-BY 4.0 AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3815 Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3704 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3697 Used general technique trowel Falls within Tharros Contains https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3847 3849 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3851 Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3810 Place is defined by EPSG:32632 Latitude shift 4413000 Longitude shift 452000 Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3810 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2023 Trench 8000 job 490 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Identifier TH2023_8000_job490_3D Date Created 2023-06-12 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati L1i_was_digitized_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3814 L20i_was_created_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3813 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3812 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3778 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 396 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Format NXZ Identifier TH2022_5000_job396_3D Date Created 2023-06-08 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 Investigation campaign https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3764 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5067 Creator 3684 Date 2023-03-10 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5067 License CC-BY 4.14 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Is referred to by SU created in March 2023, based on a review of the stratigraphy in trench 5000. -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3763 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5065 Creator 3684 Date 2023-03-10 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5065 License CC-BY 4.13 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 Has type Posthole Cut Is referred to by SU created in March 2023, based on a review of the stratigraphy in trench 5000. -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3762 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5064 Creator 3684 Date 2023-03-10 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5064 License CC-BY 4.12 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 Has type Ditch Cut Is referred to by SU 5064 is a large ditch cut into the sterile soil (SU 5062) above bedrock. It is located east of the later "great wall" SU 5054). SU 5064 was subsequently filled by SU 5056. Because there was no evidence of a period of erosion—i.e., the walls of the cut remained vertical, rather than showing any slouching, and no intervening layer of alluvium was observed—it seems likely that the cut (SU 5064) was filled in (by SU 5056) immediately after its excavation. SUs 5064 and 5056 are thought to have been the first human interventions in the area. SU created in March 2023, based on a review of the stratigraphy in trench 5000. -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3761 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5053 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-27 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5053 License CC-BY 4.11 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Cut Is referred to by Roughly square cut through floor 5042 as well as cut 5045. This cut is steeply sloped to the south, either to accommodate or to respect the stone pier there. The large cut stone block within the fill (5052) of this cut takes up most of the space, with the cut seemingly sloping down from the north before diving along the 5cm lining the stone. The soft fill material completely fills the rest of the cut to the south of the big stone, with steeper walls to accommodate or respond to the stone pier. Has representation 3651 3652 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3760 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5049 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-24 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5049 License CC-BY 4.10 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Cut Is referred to by Cut of floor surface 5042 along west edge of trench. Has representation 3649 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3759 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5047 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-24 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5047 License CC-BY 4.9 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Cut Is referred to by Cut in floor surface 5042 in NW corner of trench. The cut extends diagonally across the NW corner of the trench on an alignment that does not match the standing walls to the north or west. It’s alignment seems to respond to the earlier orientation of properties observed in the buried republican wall and the earlier street alignment found at the front of 1000. The cut may be related to the lowest courses of the north wall of the trench, a basalt foundation on an alignment somewhere in between the cut and the overlying wall. Has representation 3649 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3758 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5045 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-24 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5045 License CC-BY 4.8 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Pit Cut Is referred to by Large circular cut through floor surface 5042. The cut is shallow, extending less than 10cm into the subfloor fill (5051) beneath floor 5042. This cut was either itself cut by 5053 or the two were produced at the same time. In either case, it’s function is unclear. The cut is seemingly lined with a series of small holes, though their cause and function are unclear. It is possible they were created by worms, as coiled worms have been removed from two of them. Another proposed explanation is that they are impact points from ancient prospecting with an iron bar seeking out the large wall that passes through the area. Has representation 3649 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3757 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5041 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-21 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5041 License CC-BY 4.7 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Cut Is referred to by Cut into 5040, filled by 5039. Appears to run across the entirety of the trench in a roughly straight line with an additional circular cut in near center.. Has representation 3646 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3756 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5037 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-15 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5037 License CC-BY 4.6 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Is referred to by Cut for S wall foundation trench. Cuts through 5038 mortar. Has representation 3643 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3755 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5035 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-15 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5035 License CC-BY 4.5 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Is referred to by Cut for N wall foundation trench Has representation 3643 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3754 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5027 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5027 License CC-BY 4.4 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Is referred to by SU 5027 is a cut for the foundation trench for the south wall (SU ?). 5027 cuts through 5018, 5019, and 5020. Has representation 3636 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3753 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5026 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5026 License CC-BY 4.3 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5026 is a second cut for the construction trench of the north wall of the trench (SU ?). This cut extends across cut 5016 and fill 5017. The cut terminates within fill 5015 on the west and cuts into and terminates on 5017 on the east. 5026 extends just below the lowest course of stones in the north trench wall (SU ?), as expected. Has representation 3636 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3752 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5024 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5024 License CC-BY 4.2 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5024 is a foundation trench cut for the eastern wall (5009?) of the final phase room. Cut 5024 runs tightly against the bottom foundation course of that wall (SU ?). Has representation 3637 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3751 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5019 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-06 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5019 License CC-BY 4.1 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5019 is a construction trench cut for wall 5009. We initially thought 5019 to be separated from cut 5016 by feature 5010, however, both cuts (5016 & 5019) join below that feature and thus are the same event. Has representation 3636 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3750 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Title TH2022 SU 5016 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-06 Type Cut Identifier TH2022_su5016 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Cut - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5016 is a construction cut for the construction of 5009 and the north trench wall. 5016 is equal to 5019 (the same cut on the other side of 5010), as both pass under 5010. Has representation 3636 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3637 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3748 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5062 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-30 2022-07-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5062 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Is referred to by Fill under 5056 on east side of 5054 wall. Equivalent of 5055 on west side of 5054 wall. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3624 Depth 4.753 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Dark brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3747 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5061 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-29 2022-06-30 2022-07-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5061 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Surface - Beaten Earth Is referred to by Beaten earth surface in south side of trench (all that remains of it) overlying 5042 surface. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3624 Depth 6.498 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Light Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3746 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5057 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-29 2022-06-30 2022-07-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5057 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Is referred to by Layer of green clay used as bonding material between wall 5054 and underlying clay deposit 5058. A similar clay is also used to bond some stones to the eastern face of the square cut blocks of 5054. Left unexcavated, photographed in section. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3653 Depth 5.463 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Green -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3745 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5056 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-29 2022-06-30 2022-07-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5056 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Is referred to by Mottled fill material that is cut into brown clay palaeosol 5055/5058/5062. The mottled material is cut into the natural fill alongside, but not directly touching, the lowest portions of wall 5054. One possible explanation is that the material was used as the fill of a ditch along the eastern (external to the city) side of buried wall 5054 if it was in fact a fortification wall. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3653 Depth 5.113 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Mottled -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3744 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5052 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-27 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5052 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Is referred to by Fill of cut 5053 in center south side of trench. This cut and fill cuts into 5045 (cut) amid 5046 (fill) that comprise the central circular cut in the trench. The northern edge of this fill is ill defined, but Sutherland soil matrix is very soft and so the unit was excavated by following that fill. The fill also includes a large rounded cut stone block, initially thought to be a column drum but not completely round. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3650 3651 Depth 6.043 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3743 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5051 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-28 2022-06-29 2022-06-30 2022-07-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5051 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Sub-floor Fill Is referred to by This fill underlies floor surface 5042, though has also been cut into by (and thus serves as the floor of) cuts 5045, 5047, 5049, and 5052. The matrix is differential, with lenses of grey and reddish soils. The material overlies the socle of republican era wall that passes through this trench, 1000, and 3000. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3650 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3649 Depth 6.048 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Differential -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3742 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5050 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-24 2022-06-25 2022-06-26 2022-06-27 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5050 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Is referred to by Fill of small cut 5049 along the western wall of the trench. The fill is a loose brown material that descends sharply in a conical shape along the cut. The cut seems to correspond to the sloping bottom of a stone pier or feature underneath the final phase wall, possibly making this the fill of a construction trench. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3649 3650 Depth 6.263 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3741 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5048 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-24 2022-06-25 2022-06-26 2022-06-27 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5048 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Is referred to by Dark brown, moderately compacted soil fill of cut 5047 in the NW corner of the trench. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3649 Depth 6.233 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Dark brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3740 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5046 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-24 2022-06-25 2022-06-26 2022-06-27 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5046 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Pit Fill Is referred to by Thin layer of fill within cut 5045. Differentiated from overlying 5043 to isolate finds from the Lavern large fill above. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3649 Depth 6.208 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3739 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5044 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-23 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5044 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Is referred to by Rocky, compacted fill layer within cut 5016/5019. Not excavated previously because it was more compacted than surrounding materials, but ultimately determined just to be a small lens of hard material. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3648 3649 Depth 6.376 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3738 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5043 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-22 2022-06-23 2022-06-24 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5043 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Sub-floor Fill Is referred to by Compact fill below surface 5040. Brown highly compacted fill material, similar in color but very different in texture from 5039. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3648 Depth 6.713 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3737 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5042 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-21 2022-06-22 2022-06-23 2022-06-24 2022-06-25 2022-06-26 2022-06-27 2022-06-28 2022-06-29 2022-06-30 2022-07-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5042 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Surface - Other Is referred to by Hard compacted mortar and potentially brick surface below 5040. Cut by 5041, which leaves it partially exposed before excavation of overlying 5040 Falls within Tharros Has representation 3646 3647 Depth 6.223714286 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Reddish brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3736 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5040 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-16 2022-06-17 2022-06-18 2022-06-19 2022-06-20 2022-06-21 2022-06-22 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5040 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Surface - Beaten Earth Is referred to by Very hard steep slope surface in western portion of the trench. The surface slopes markedly downward to the east. Surface appears to be cut (5041) along its eastern edge, with an oddly shaped almost circular portion roughly at the center of the trench. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3644 3645 3646 Depth 6.603 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Grey brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3735 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5039 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-15 2022-06-16 2022-06-17 2022-06-18 2022-06-19 2022-06-20 2022-06-21 2022-06-22 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5039 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Leveling Fill Carried out by 3684 3685 3686 Is referred to by Hard, orange brown compact layer cut at the eastern edge by 5035 for N wall foundation trench. Is overlain by 5038. Covers entire region of trench and slopes upward to the west. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3644 Depth 6.821333333 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3734 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5038 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-15 2022-06-16 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5038 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Surface - Mortar Carried out by 3685 3686 Is referred to by Mortar smear which covers southern half of the trench. Continuation of 5010. Is cut by 5037 for foundation trench for S wall Falls within Tharros Has representation 3643 Depth 7.119666667 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Gray -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3733 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5036 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-15 2022-06-16 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5036 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3686 3687 Is referred to by Sandy dark brown soil with lots of large sherds, some bone and metal. Fill of foundation trench for S wall. Cuts through 5038. Large foundation stones visible high in the fill. Comes down onto hard layer 5040 beneath. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3643 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3642 Depth 7.078 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3732 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5034 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-15 2022-06-16 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5034 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3685 Is referred to by Fill of construction trench for N wall. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3643 Depth 7.118 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3731 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5033 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-13 2022-06-14 2022-06-15 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5033 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Sub-floor Fill Carried out by 3685 3686 Is referred to by Brown soil, compact at top then gives way to sandy loam with friable bedrock inclusions. Inclusions of large rubble and plaster, ceramic and bone. Subfloor fill beneath 5032. 5033 layer is the same event as 5005 and 5006. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3642 Depth 6.83 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Gray-brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3730 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5032 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-13 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5032 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Surface - Mortar Carried out by 3685 3686 Is referred to by Mortar surface in pockets in the center of the trench, possibly the remains of the floor surface. Similar to surface 5004 in SW section of trench. Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3778 Depth 6.826333333 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Gray and white -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3729 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5030 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-09 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5030 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by Fill of “drain” 5010 below 5029. The material is a fine silt with a high degree of small charcoal inclusions and pockets of condensed dark-gray soil. Slightly more compacted and more red than previous layer of fill inside the “drain”. The fill occupies the space below those capstones and between the linear course of stones that makes up the north and south edges of the “drain.” Layer was 100% sampled without being sieved and excavated in arbitrary 2cm passes. Feature 5010 was, in fact, not a drain. This second layer of material corresponds with the end of 5014 and start of 5015 from the surrounding fills upon which 5010 was constructed. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3638 Depth 6.563 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Reddish brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3728 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5029 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-08 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5029 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by Fill of “drain” 5010 below the capstones. The material is a fine silt with a high degree of small charcoal inclusions and pockets of condensed dark-gray soil. Exposed after the removal of two large capstones, the fill occupies the space below those capstones and between the linear course of stones that makes up the north and south edges of the “drain.” Layer was 100% sampled without being sieved. Feature 5010 was, in fact, not a drain. The top layer of material sampled from within the lining stones and under the capstones of the feature was likely introduced along with the features construction, but most of what was excavated in this SU and subsequent SU 5030 is simply 5039 upon which the feature was built. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3638 Depth 6.593 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Grey-brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3727 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5028 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 2022-06-08 2022-06-09 2022-06-10 2022-06-11 2022-06-12 2022-06-09 2022-06-13 2022-06-14 2022-06-15 2022-06-16 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5028 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by Fill of cut 5027. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3636 Depth 6.481333333 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3726 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5025 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5025 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by Small layer of fill around cut for foundation trench of eastern trench wall. The trench is very small. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3637 Depth 6.213 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Dark brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3725 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5023 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5023 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Generic Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by Compacted fill on eastern edge of wall 5009. This material seems to be the original material into which wall 5009 was pressed on its eastern edge. The layer also appears to be cut for the foundation course of the eastern wall of the trench. Unexcavated. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3637 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3636 Depth 6.263 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Dark brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3724 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5022 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 2022-06-08 2022-06-09 2022-06-10 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5022 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by 5022 is the fill of cut 5016. 5022 was established arbitrarily after making a distinction between it and a separate cut fill to the north (5021). Falls within Tharros Has representation 3637 Depth 6.548 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3723 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5021 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-07 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5021 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5021 is a fill located to the north of 5016, which seems to be a separate construction trench cut through the cut (5016) and fill (5017) of the construction trench for wall 5009. 5021 was recognized after excavation of 5017 was started, so begins at an arbitrary level. 5021 is related to the construction of the north wall of the trench, which can now be seen to terminate near the current depth of 5021 and to completely overlie the buried wall (5009). Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3636 Depth 6.553 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Grey - brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3722 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5020 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-06 2022-06-07 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5020 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3686 Is referred to by SU 5020 is a loose, brown, sandy soil fill. 5020 has inclusions of large pieces of pottery, some bone, glass, and charcoal. One piece of iron was found in 5020. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3636 Depth 6.548 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3721 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5017 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-06 2022-06-07 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5017 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Construction Trench Fill - Architecture Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5017 is the fill of the construction trench cut (5016). Similar to 5014, 5017 is composed of loose, brown, sandy material with a high degree of both artifacts and stone inclusions. 5017 was arbitrarily separated into another layer (5022) in order to fully separate possible contamination from from the fill of a separate cut (5021) that runs along the northern trench wall. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3636 Depth 6.613 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3720 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5015 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-06 2022-06-07 2022-06-08 2022-06-09 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5015 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Surface - Beaten Earth Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5015 is a compacted grey surface in the NW quadrant of the trench. 5015 was cut for the construction of 5009 and the north standing wall of the trench. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3636 Depth 6.633 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3719 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5014 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-03 2022-06-04 2022-06-05 2022-06-06 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5014 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Leveling Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5014 is an arbitrary level in fill 5006, created because of the loss of physical connection due to buried walls 5009 & 5010. 5014 is a soft, sandy loam with a high degree of gravel-size inclusions with large pieces of stone interspersed. Many of the larger stone inclusions are the same material as bedrock (the friable sandy stone). Falls within Tharros Has representation 3635 Depth 6.763 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3718 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5013 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-03 2022-06-04 2022-06-05 2022-06-06 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5013 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Leveling Fill Is referred to by SU 5013 is an arbitrary level in fill 5006, created because of the loss of physical connection due to buried walls 5009 & 5010. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3635 Depth 6.778 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3717 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5012 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-03 2022-06-04 2022-06-05 2022-06-06 2022-06-07 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5012 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Leveling Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5012 is an arbitrary level in fill 5006, created because of the loss of physical connection due to buried walls 5009 (N-S) & 5010 (E-W). 5012 is softer and has fewer finds than 5014 & 5013 on the other side of the wall. 5012 also extends significantly deeper and has very large stone inclusions. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3635 Depth 6.763 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3716 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5011 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-03 2022-06-04 2022-06-05 2022-06-06 2022-06-27 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5011 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Leveling Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5011 is an arbitrary level in fill 5006, created because of the loss of physical connection due to buried walls 5009 & 5010. 5011 was unexcavated in order to maintain structural support for the northern and eastern walls. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3635 Depth 6.708 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3715 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5006 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-02 2022-06-03 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5006 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Sub-floor Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5006 is a soft, sandy loam with a high degree of gravel-size stone inclusions with large pieces of stone interspersed. Many of the larger stone inclusions are the same material as bedrock (the friable sandy stone). Falls within Tharros Has representation 3634 Depth 6.818 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3714 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5005 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-01 2022-06-02 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5005 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Sub-floor Fill Carried out by 3684 3685 3686 Is referred to by SU 5005 is a very rubbly subfloor fill across the entirety of the trench. 5005 includes frequent fragmentary roof tiles and plaster chunks, with about one cassetta of artifacts for close to 100 buckets of soil. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3633 Depth 6.963 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Brown -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3713 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5004 Creator 3684 Date 2022-06-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5004 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Surface - Mortar Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5004 is a chunk of very hard, compacted mortar - likely the last remnant of our latest phase floor within the room, as the elevation roughly corresponds to plaster marks on the standing walls. Since 5004 was a small mortar chunk, no soil sample was taken. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3622 Depth 7 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Grey -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3712 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5003 Creator 3684 Date 2022-05-31 2022-06-01 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5003 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Sub-floor Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5003 is a red subsurface that survives in the SE corner of the trench. 5003 is bright red, slightly sandy, and has a heavy clay consistency akin to mudbrick. 5003 has a thickness of several centimeters throughout its entire area, indicating that it was laid down in one simultaneous pour. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3622 Depth 6.993 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Red -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3711 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5002 Creator 3684 Date 2022-05-31 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5002 Date Created 2023-06-07 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder University of Cincinnati AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Has type Sub-floor Fill Carried out by 3684 Is referred to by SU 5002 is a compact gray-brown soil with inclusions of shell, ceramic, plaster, and bone. Falls within Tharros Has representation 3610 Depth 6.908 Depth measure unit centimeter Color Grey -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3709 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Peers, Max FirstName Max Surname Peers -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3708 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Lodwick, Lisa FirstName Lisa Surname Lodwick -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3707 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Yarmick, John FirstName John Surname Yarmick -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3706 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Evans, Syd FirstName Syd Surname Evans -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3705 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Trentacoste, Angela FirstName Angela Surname Trentacoste -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3704 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Minney, Beth FirstName Beth Surname Minney -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3703 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Crosson, Serena FirstName Serena Surname Crosson -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3702 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Wire, Annamarie FirstName Annamarie Surname Wire -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3701 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Meyer, Sam FirstName Sam Surname Meyer -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3700 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Millar Tully, Jane FirstName Jane Surname Millar Tully -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3699 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Maupin, RJ FirstName RJ Surname Maupin -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3698 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Wabler, Matt FirstName Matt Surname Wabler -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3697 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Todhunter, Callaghan FirstName Callaghan Surname Todhunter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3696 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Presti, Cinzia FirstName Cinzia Surname Presti -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3695 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Knortz, Katy FirstName Katy Surname Knortz -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3694 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Weinberg , Elizabeth FirstName Elizabeth Surname Weinberg -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3693 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Hayes, Patrick FirstName Patrick Surname Hayes -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3692 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Motz, Chris FirstName Chris Surname Motz -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3691 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Lieberman, Leigh FirstName Leigh Surname Lieberman -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3690 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Ellis, Steven FirstName Steven Surname Ellis -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3689 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A8_Stratigraphic_Unit Title TH2022 SU 5001 Creator 3684 3685 3686 Date 2022-05-30 2022-05-31 Type Fill Identifier TH2022_su5001 AP3_excavated 3607 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of 3608 Is referred to by SU 5001 is a thin layer of grassy topsoil. It consists of loose soil with only occasional ancient materials and modern contamination. The topsoil was particularly thin near the center of the room, especially surrounding the collapsed column drum there. Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3606 Depth 6.923 Depth measure unit centimeter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3688 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Zhu, Tianqi FirstName Tianqi Surname Zhu -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3687 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Poehler, Eric Identifier https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6987-322X ORCID id FirstName Eric Surname Poehler -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3686 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Hallett, Lizzy FirstName Lizzy Surname Hallett -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3685 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Gaither, Paula FirstName Paula Surname Gaither -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3684 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Marko, Alex FirstName Alex J Surname Marko -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3658 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 4000 job 336 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_4000_job336_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3632 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3656 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 478 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job478_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3653 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 473 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job473_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3652 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 465 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job465_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3651 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 460 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job460_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3650 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 457 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job457_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3649 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 454 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job454_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3648 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 445 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job445_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3647 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 439 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job439_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3646 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 435 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job435_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3645 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 423 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job423_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3644 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 419 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job419_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3643 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 410 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job410_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3642 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 398 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job398_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3641 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 4000 job 392 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_4000_job392_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3632 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3640 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 391 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job391_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3639 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 387 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job387_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3638 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 380 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job380_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3637 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 371 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job371_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3636 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 367 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job367_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3635 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 363 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job363_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3634 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 356 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job356_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3633 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 349 (3D model) Creator 1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job349_3D License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents 3608 Investigation campaign 3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3632 Resource class cidoc-crm:E53_Place Title TH2022 Trench 4000 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type excavation trench Identifier TH2022_T4000 Date Created 2023-06-02 License CC-BY 4.0 AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Falls within Tharros Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3658 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3641 Place is defined by EPSG:32632 Latitude shift 4413000 Longitude shift 452000 Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3624 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 475 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job475_3D Date Created 2023-05-24 License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 Investigation campaign https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3622 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 346 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job346_3D Date Created 2023-05-23 License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 Investigation campaign https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3610 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 343 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Identifier TH2022_5000_job343_3D Date Created 2023-05-22 License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 Investigation campaign https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 Resource class cidoc-crm:E53_Place Title TH2022 Trench 5000 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type excavation trench Identifier TH2022_T5000 Date Created 2023-05-21 License CC-BY 4.0 AP3_excavated https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Falls within Tharros Contains https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3689 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3711 3712 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3713 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3714 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3715 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3717 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3718 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3719 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3720 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3750 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3721 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3722 Has representation https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3606 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3610 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3622 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3642 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3778 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3653 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3624 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3656 Place is defined by EPSG:32632 Latitude shift 4413000 Longitude shift 452000 Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Resource class CRMarchaeo:A9_Archaeological_Excavation Title Tharros campaign 2022 Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Date 2022-05/2022-06 Type research investigation Identifier TH_2022 Date Created 2023-05-21 License CC-BY 4.0 L29_has_responsible_organization Cincinnati Univeristy AP3i_was_excavated_by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3632 Took place on or within https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/4445 Had participant https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3709 3708 3707 3706 3705 3704 3703 3702 3701 3700 3698 3697 3696 3695 3694 3693 3692 3691 3690 3689 3688 3687 3686 3685 3684 Carried out by https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3690 https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3687 -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3606 Resource class CRMdig:D1_Digital_Object Title TH2022 Trench 5000 job 337 (3D model) Creator https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Type terrain Format nxz Identifier TH2022_5000_job337_3D Date Created 2023-05-21 License CC-BY 4.0 L23_used_software_or_firmware Agisoft Metashape Used general technique IBM Represents https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3608 Investigation campaign https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/3607 Investigation site Tharros Model measure unit meter -- Url https://dev.omeka.ht.lu.se/s/tharros/item/1209 Resource class cidoc-crm:E21_Person Title Derudas, Paola Identifier https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2700-4143 FirstName Paola Surname Derudas --