Context subtype
Skeleton in primary position belonging the burial recorded as Feature 1
Certainty of interpretation
The context 603 corresponds to the human skeleton belonging to the single burial F1. Found at 0.55 m above the level of the top soil, it has been damaged by moderne ploughings (movement of the bones of the left hand and bones found in the upper fill of the burial) and the digger (about 40% percent preserved). Exactly oriented west-east, as the neighbouring burial F2, this skeleton belong to an adult possibly male (need to be confirmed by the osteological analysis), in flexed position on its right side, the head toward the east. Both arms were flexed with the hands in resting position near the head (especially the right hand well preserved and articulated). The position of the feet are unknown. No wrapping or other elements could be observed. The movement of the mandibula could testify of an initial empty pit with a cover. However, it isn't possible to confirm this hypothesis regarding the modern disturbance of the skeleton. The difference in the depths of the bones car be explained by the irregularity of the pit (C613). No finds could be clearly associated with the individual because the fill of the burial (C606) is the same soil where the pit was initially dug (C605). Nonetheless, a cheapstone (606 #11) and three shells (606 #10, 15, 18), found in the area of the spine have been recorded in the fill but as special finds (C606). From West to east the preserved skeleton mesures 0.90 m of length.
Excavation date
Excavation technique
Investigation area
Investigation site
Record creator
Location in the investigation area
Excavated amount
Estimated age
Skeleton sex
Hands preservation
Torso preservation
Arms preservation
Pelvis preservation
Legs preservation
Feet preservation
Head preservation
Burial deposition
Body attitude
Head attitude
Right arm attitude - elbow
Right arm attitude - wrist
Right arm attitude - hand
Left arm attitude - shoulder
Left arm attitude - elbow
Left arm attitude - hand
Right leg attitude - hip
Right leg attitude - knee
Left leg attitude - hip
In situ bone degeneration
State of bone
Taphonomic observation
Record completeness status
Date Created
Rights Holder
Notes or comments
Measurments of bones :
1) right humerus (outer condylus to upper end) : 27.5 cm
2) hip bone (exterior side to posterior inferior iliac spine) : 12.7 cm
3) fibula (part of the diaphysis) : 19.5 cm
4) cotylopubic width : 2.4 cm
5) acetabuulum height : 3.5 cm
Drawing : #2 (cumulative crosse section)
Linked resources
TS2023 context 613 |
TS2023 Feature 1 |
TS Area 5 (H8) |
TS23 H899 04 (3D Model) |
TS23 H899 07 (3D Model) |
TS2023 context 613 |
TS2023 context 600 |
TS2023 context 606 |
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