Context type
Context subtype
Cut for c243
C242 is the cut for c243. The boundary between c242 and c231 is clear at the north and a bit fuzzy toward the east. The west and south side of the pit is connected with the wall of the trench. The shape of the cut is wide and flat in the first 30cm, then steep down to the west. This pit is on south west part of trench. Found when we were removing c231. We might have lost the top of the pit. This pit was defined as part of the contect c231 until we found there were lots of animal bones.
We kept removig the fill of the cut about 20cm in, in order to reach the bottom of the pit. The bottom is 58cm deep from the base line. The slope of the base is pointed.
According to the finds we found there, it's a probably a dump pit, were people abandon things they don't need. We found animal bones, mostly lower part of the back limbs. Also, as a special find, we got a copper bead, possibly bronze age.
Excavation date
Record creator
Excavation technique
Investigation area
Investigation site
Location in the investigation area
Shape in plan
Height measure unit
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Excavated amount
Filled by
Break of slope at the top
Break of slope at the base
Profile of slopes
Date Created
Rights Holder
Linked resources
TS2023 context 243 |