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Tharros Investigation Site Description of the site of Tharros 2023-10-19
TH2023 SU 8003 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Topsoil in Drain 3 2023-06-14
TH2023 SU 8002 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Topsoil in Area B 2023-06-14
TH2022 SU 8001 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Topsoil in Area A 2023-06-14
TH2022 SU5063 Context (stone structure) stone construction Basalt foundation 2023-06-12
TH2022 SU5060 Context (stone structure) stone construction Rocky platform 2023-06-12
TH2022 SU5054 Context (stone structure) stone construction Republican Wall 2023-06-12
TH2022 SU5009 Context (stone structure) stone construction North/South wall through trench 2023-06-12
TH2022 SU5008 Context (stone structure) stone construction Cut block feature on east 2023-06-12
TH2022 SU5007 Context (stone structure) stone construction Orthostat feature on south wall 2023-06-12
TH2023 areas 8-9-10000 Investigation Site research investigation The investigation areas from 2023 season 2023-06-12
Franzoi, Bailey Person
Katkin, Molly Person
Karl, Kevin Person
Palanca, Fenella Person
Monhollen, Leslie Person
Kerns, Rebecca Person
TH2023 Trench 10000 job 494 (3D model) 3D model terrain 2023-06-12
TH2023 Trench 10000 Investigation area excavation trench 2023-06-12
TH2023 Trench 9000 job 492 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench 9000 job 492 2023-06-12
TH2023 Trench 9000 Investigation area excavation trench 2023-06-12
Grogan, Kelly Person
Tharros campaign 2023 Investigation campaign research investigation 2023-06-12
Notarian, Matt Person
Allen, Colton Person
TH2023 Trench 8000 Investigation area excavation trench 2023-05-12
TH2023 Trench 8000 job 490 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench 8000 job 490 2023-06-12
TH2022 Trench 5000 job 396 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench 5000 job 396 2023-06-08
TH2022 SU 5067 Context (cut) Cut Cut into natural for great wall itself
TH2022 SU 5065 Context (cut) Cut Small holes in SU 5042 surrounding large cuts 5045 and 5053
TH2022 SU 5064 Context (cut) Cut Cut into natural for earliest ditch, pre-great wall
TH2022 SU 5053 Context (cut) Cut Cut for large stone and pier
TH2022 SU 5049 Context (cut) Cut W cut of 5042
TH2022 SU 5047 Context (cut) Cut NW cut in 5042
TH2022 SU 5045 Context (cut) Cut Circular cut in 5042
TH2022 SU 5041 Context (cut) Cut Cut in 5040
TH2022 SU 5037 Context (cut) Cut Cut for S wall foundation trench
TH2022 SU 5035 Context (cut) Cut Cut for N wall foundation trench
TH2022 SU 5027 Context (cut) Cut S wall construction cut into cut 5019
TH2022 SU 5026 Context (cut) Cut N wall construction cut into cut 5016
TH2022 SU 5024 Context (cut) Cut Cut in 5023
TH2022 SU 5019 Context (cut) Cut Cut in 5018
TH2022 SU 5016 Context (cut) Cut Cut in 5015
TH2022 SU 5062 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Brown clay below 5056 2023-06-07
TH2022 SU 5061 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Surface above 5042 2023-06-07
TH2022 SU 5057 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Green clay under and along 5054 2023-06-07
TH2022 SU 5056 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Mottled fill east of 5054 2023-06-07
TH2022 SU 5052 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Fill of 5053 2023-06-07
TH2022 SU 5051 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Subfloor below 5042 2023-06-07
TH2022 SU 5050 Context (fill/layer/deposit) Fill Fill of 5049 2023-06-07