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Västra Vång Investigation Site Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pra ...
Vångakullen scene 2.1 3DHOP Scene
Vångakullen scene 6.1 3DHOP Scene
6. Vångakullen and archaeology. The importance of analysing the finds Paragraph In some situations, finds may be encountered in such a way t ... 2023-01-24
Vångakullen scene 1.1 3DHOP Scene
Vångakullen scene 5.2 3DHOP Scene
Vångakullen scene 5.1 3DHOP Scene
5. Vångakullen and archaeology. Reconstructing the puzzle Paragraph Further research on the vessels and cauldrons is time-consum ... 2023-07-24
Vångakullen scene 4.3 3DHOP Scene
Vångakullen scene 4.2 3DHOP Scene
Vångakullen scene 4.1 3DHOP Scene
4. Vångakullen and archaeology. Complexity of the excavation Paragraph The complexity becomes most apparent when we consider the ex ... 2023-07-13
Vångakullen scene 3.2 3DHOP Scene
Vångakullen scene 3.1 3DHOP Scene
3. Vångakullen and archaeology. Interpreting the remains Paragraph Stones laid in orderly rows or as packed surfaces constitute ... 2023-07-13
2. Vångakullen and archaeology. The methods Paragraph Initially, previously excavated material (mainly backfill fr ... 2023-07-08
1. Vångakullen and archaeology Paragraph The archaeological traces on the hill are in principle well ... 2023-07-08
Vångakullen scene 1 3DHOP Scene
Vångakullen and archaeology Report 2023-07-08
VV2023 Trench A and B May 5-eoe (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A and B on May 5-eoe
VV2023 Trench A May 4-2 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench A on May 4 2023-05-05
VV2023 Trench A May 4 c1063 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of context 1063 in trench A 2023-05-05
VV2023 Trench B May 5-2 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench B on May 5 2023-05-05
VV2023 Trench B May 5 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench B on May 5 2023-05-05
VV2023 Trench B May 4- 5 (3D model) 3D model terrain The fifth3D model of trench B on May 4 2023-05-05
VV2023 Trench B May 4- 4 (3D model) 3D model terrain The fourth 3D model of trench B on May 4 2023-05-04
VV2023 Trench B May 4- 3 (3D model) 3D model terrain The third 3D model of trench B on May 4 2023-05-23
VV2023 Trench A May 4 c1059-2 (3D model) 3D model terrain  The second 3D model of context 1059 in trench A ... 2023-05-04
VV2023 Trench A May 4 c1059 (3D model) 3D model terrain  The 3D model of context 1059 in trench A 2023-05-04
VV2023 Trench A May 4 (3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench A on May 4 2023-05-04
VV2023 Trench B May 4- 2 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench B on May 4 2023-05-04
VV2023 Trench B May 4(3D model) 3D model terrain The first 3D model of trench B on May 4 2023-05-04
VV2023 context 1059 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill brownish loose clayish layer below 1057 2023-05-04
VV2023 context 1057 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill clay yellowish fill  2023-05-04
VV2023 context 1056 Context (fill/layer/deposit) fill Linear loose sandy silt and stone (mostly fist-sized and lar ... 2023-05-04
VV2023 context 1052 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Compacted silt layer extending in the central part of t ... 2023-05-05
VV2023 Trench A May 3-2 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench A on May 3 2023-05-03
VV2023 Trench B-3 May 3 (3D model) 3D model terrain The third 3D model of trench B on May 3 2023-05-03
VV2023 Trench B-2 May 3 (3D model) 3D model terrain The second 3D model of trench B on May 3 2023-05-03
VV2023 Trench A May 3 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A on May 3 2023-05-03
VV2023 Trench B May 3 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench B on May 3 2023-05-03
VV2023 context 1050 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Brown color, looser than the floor layer beneath but more co ...
VV2023 context 1051 Context (fill/layer/deposit) layer Layer of soil beneath topsoil. Fairly compact, well sorted, ...
VV2023 Trench A and B May 2-2 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A and B on May 2-2 2023-05-02
VV2023 Trench A and B May 1 (3D model) 3D model terrain The 3D model of trench A and B on May 1 2023-05-02
Campanaro, Danilo Person
Berggren, Åsa Person
VV2023 Trench B Investigation area excavation trench Trench B excavated in 2023 2023-04-30
VV2023 Trench A Investigation area excavation trench Trench A excavated in 2023 2023-04-30
Västra Vång campaign 2023 Investigation campaign research investigation The excavation campaign carried out eastside of the hill of ... 2023-04-30