id 2056 Url Resource template Context (cut) Resource class CRMarchaeo:A3_Stratigraphic_Interface Item set id 2188 Item set Contexts from Västra Vång Media id 2082 Media file Title VV2021 context 1047 Creator Derudas, Paola Description

Cut in context 1046 filled by context 1048. The cut operlaps 10-20 cm with cut 1042 and the difference from the fills from the two contexts is difficult to discern. Since floor 1005 covers the top of context 1046 it seems likely that cut 1042 was excavated after  context 1047. However the temporal difference with these could be very small. In this pit we found bronze artefacts (find A30).

Date 2021-11-12 Type cut Identifier VV2021_c1047 Date Created 2021-11-29 License CC-BY 4.0 Rights Holder LU AP1_produced 100% AP3_excavated Västra Vång campaign 2021 AP5_removed_part_or_all_of VV2021 Trench A AP8_disturbed VV2021 context 1046 AP20i_contains VV2021 context 1048 Carried out by Svensson, Andreas Fauvelle, Mikael Used general technique trowel Has former or current location SE corner of trench A Is referred to by

This pit can be interpreted as an offering deposited in proximity to the posthole. It probably served the same porposes as the pit 1042.

Falls within Västra Vång Has representation VV2021 Trench A on November 12 at the end of excavation(3D model) Shape in plan subcircular Below VV 2021 context 1005 Above VV2021 context 1046 Cut corners rounded Break of slop at the top sharp Sides concave Break of slopes at the bottom sharp Bottom sloping --