


TS2023 context 623


en human skeleton


Human skeleton belonging to the burial F2

Certainty of interpretation



The context 623 corresponds to the skeleton found articulated in primary position in the burial F2. Its preservation is good, but the fall of some stones from the cover (c626, c614, c618). Other anomalies seem to have been caused by animals.

The skeleton belong to a young adult (need to be confirmed with osteological analysis) in flexed position on its left side, facing north. Its left arm lay along its body in semi-flexed position, whereas its right arm is bent in 90° angle crossing the torso. The legs are flexed and the right foot is in a natural position (the left foot is missing). Like the rest of the body, the head is on the left side, framed by two stones (c637). Its right shoulder was probably initially resting on the southern stone c637 - the right scapula was found right behind it. The mandibula is closed, bloked by humerus head. The upper part of the spine and the right hand were disturbed, probably by animal burrows. Part of the right ribs were missing. However, the ribs found in the upper deposit (c621) may have belong to the individual and moved by animal as well (to be confirmed by osteological analysis of the deposit). The position of the left fingers are difficult to explain (closed hand or disturbance by animal ?).  Finally some stones from the cover (c614) were found directly on the left coxal bone and against the right coxal bone, the heavy central stone c626 were found in quasi vertical position right above the left femur, broke in 4 pieces in a concave curve. An animal burrow may have cause this anomalie by creating a void under the femur. Some linear effects have been noticed, especially along the right upper arm and the right scapula in quasi vertical position and along the mandibula and the left arm. It is difficult to state on the presence on wrapping material. According to these first observations (need to be confirmed with specialists), we suppose that the burial was not filled with soil right after the inhumation but maybe closed with a light cover of organic material (branches ?), on which were disposed the cover made of stones and soil (c614, c618, c626, c629). No find were clearly associated with the indivual, however, a flint (c619 #6), a tooth (619 #14), six shells (619 #13, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26) found in the area of the mandibula, neck and shoulder, have been recorded separtely. Also, two sherds of pottery (c624 and 619 #9) have been recorded separately because of their peculiar position in the burial.  

Excavation date

July 19, 2023

Excavation technique

en other

Investigation area

Investigation campaign

Investigation site

en Toumba Serron

Location in the investigation area

In the center of the pit c607

Excavated amount

en 100%


#1 : skull area
#6 : soil taken from the inside of the pelvis area for eventual parasitology
#20 : soil taken from right under the skull for eventua parasitology analysis

Estimated age

en adult

Skeleton sex

en NA

Hands preservation


Torso preservation


Arms preservation


Pelvis preservation


Legs preservation

more than 50%

Feet preservation


Head preservation


Burial deposition

en primary

Body attitude

en flexed

Head attitude

en rotated left

Right arm attitude - shoulder

en medially rotated

Right arm attitude - elbow

en flexed

Right arm attitude - wrist


Right arm attitude - hand

closed ?

Left arm attitude - shoulder

Laterally rotated

Left arm attitude - elbow


Left arm attitude - hand

en fingers flexed

Right leg attitude - hip

en flexed

Right leg attitude - knee

en flexed

Right leg attitude - ankle

en dorsiflexed

Left leg attitude - hip

en flexed

Left leg attitude - knee

en flexed

In situ bone degeneration

Good preservation

State of bone

Good preservation

Taphonomic observation

en movement of articulated part of the body
en other anomalies

Grave architecture

en stone

Record completeness status

Arm positions, sex determination and details about taphonomy need to be completed

Date Created

July 24, 2023

Rights Holder

en Ephorate of Antiquities of Serres. Hellenic Ministry of Culture (Greece)
en University of York (UK)
en National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
en Lund University (Sweden)


en CC-BY 4.0

Notes or comments

Drawing #2 (cumulative cross section)
TS23 H899 24 (3D Model)
TS23 H899 26 (3D Model)
Measurments of the bones
Right humerus head diameter : 4 cm
Left humerus length : 26.5 cm
Left coxal length : 19 cm
Diametre of the left feoral head : 4.3 cm
Right tibia length : 32 cm
Right foot width : 9 cm

Additional informations can be found on the specific anthropological context sheets and the printed photographies added to the field archives.

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Items with "Associated contexts: TS2023 context 623"
TS2023 Feature 2
Items with "Contexts: TS2023 context 623"
TS Area 5 (H8)
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TS23 H899 10 (3D Model)
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Items with "Above: TS2023 context 623"
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Items with "Above: TS2023 context 623"
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Measured length
[ 0 , 0 , 0 ]
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TS23 H899 12
TS23 H899 14
TS23 H899 15
TS23 H899 16
TS23 H899 18
TS23 H899 20